“I’m someone who loves to learn new things.”
Go on.
“Knowledge is power, right?”
Go on.
“I feel like you feel like you don’t need to know very much about all the things I know about to coach.”
This feels transitional.
“How so?”
Sometime in the last few decades, the value of what we carry round in our heads began to erode. Not the knowledge. The value of the knowledge.
All of us processes data more quickly than a computer. But none of us stores it so effectively.
There’s a fun debate to be had about memory-as-query-language (uh oh, the banker experience’s about to intrude – SQL, anyone?).
Brute-roting oneself to a named-n-numbered inventory of every bone in the human hand may work for an A&P quiz, but it impresses no eight-year-old who can google it faster than the roter may exclaim it.
Discovery, though, making magic in the present with others, accessing and aggregating the network’s billions of inputs to make a thought or emotion or experience that is novel?
That’s the cool stuff.
Writing of cool stuff, every minimum coaching commitment with Bart includes a free, hour-long Discovery session. Click here to get started.